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Rugosa Cornbread Pudding

From Our Kitchen

Preheat Oven to 350ºF


2 loaves corn bread cut up into chunks and dried
2 quarts light cream
1½ cup sugar
1 stick butter
2 Tbsp. cinnamon
8 eggs
4 lbs. Rugosa squash, peeled, cubed and steamed


Bring cream, butter, and sugar to a simmer until the sugar is melted. Add cinnamon to corn bread and toss. Set aside. Add eggs to the cream mixture and whip until well incorporated. Pour the liquid mixture on the chunks. Add the cubes of squash and mix thoroughly.

Bake for 30-40 minutes or until firm. Serve with whipped cream for a delicious treat

What is Rugosa Squash?: An Italian heirloom variety of butternut squash, Rugosa resembles butternut in both shape and color, but has an unique bumpy skin. Sweeter and richer than its cousin the butternut, it has gorgeous golden flesh, that maintains its super creamy, thick texture when cooked.

Serves 4-6