Wilson Farm CSA

  • CSA Large Share
  • CSA Small Share

What is the Wilson Farm CSA?

CSA stands for "Community Supported Agriculture" and refers to a partnership with your local farmer (Wilson Farm) in which the public buys shares of the harvest. Each share entitles members to a weekly basket of fresh-picked fruits & vegetables, locally-sourced goodies, discounts & specials, and recipes. Additionally we also offer fish and cut flower shares.

Why Join the Wilson Farm CSA Program?

When you buy a Wilson Farm CSA share, you're supporting a 5th-generation, family-owned, diversified local farm. In exchange for your investment, you'll receive an diverse basket with any of the 100 crops we grow annually. Each share is different from week to week, empowering you to strengthen your knowledge of healthy, seasonal cooking and eating. And we'll be with you every step of the way, with cooking tips, recipes, inside farming knowledge, and much more. Invest in your health and your community; which will pay off for years to come.

Join the Wilson Farm CSA!

Our Pledge to CSA Members

Growing the best quality local produce since 1884, Wilson Farm rests on 33 acres in Lexington, MA and over 500 acres in Litchfield, NH. Using innovative IPM growing techniques, such as sanitation, soil enrichment, variety selection, pest detection and biological controls, our crops are grown with minimal chemical input. As a result, our well-nurtured soil produces the largest variety of nutritious, healthy, and delicious food of any farm in New England. With over 130 years of farming experience packed into each share, we pledge to deliver outstanding quality produce, fantastic variety, and superior value.